When I first went to Chiyomi, I was hoping she would help me clear energy that had been stagnant in my system for years, causing serious physical issues. Not only did she clear my energy, she realigned my system, and is helping me attain a deeper understanding and awareness of myself. My physical body is much improved, something I thought would be impossible without more surgery.
—Karen, Seattle

Private Practice

As an energy healing practitioner since 1998, I work with the human energy field (HEF) and the dimensions of your being to help maximize your sense of health and well being.

The HEF is composed of chakras, levels, and meridians (in ancient cultures was known as the Aura), an egg shaped energy field that interpenetrates and surrounds your physical body. Our physical bodies are simply the densest form of energy, occupying space and time.  

Energy Healing is a holistic approach that works with all levels of your being to help you experience wellness. I work with your physical, emotional, mental (beliefs) and spiritual levels. I help you connect with the 4 dimensions of who you are: physical, auric (personality) haric (intention), and core star (spiritual essence) to maximize your well being. I help you connect to your purpose for living.  

Often I help you visualize new possibilities through guided imagery work.  In these ways you release old patterns that hinder your growth and develop new ones that facilitate fulfillment and health.

I have worked with children as well as adults suffering from long standing conditions as well as recent injuries such as concussions and hernias. Whether an eczema flare-up, anxiety, fertility issues, cancer, stress, back problems, physical and emotional pain, or grief I support and facilitate your healing process. I have helped clients prepare for surgery and organ transplantation.